Explore an Unrivalled Transformation of Your Smile with Our Distinctive Dental Implant Services

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A Revolution in Dental Care - Exceptional Patient-Driven Services Merging Advanced Methods with Empathetic Attention

Our relentless commitment to maintaining dental well-being has positioned us as leaders in the industry. We cordially invite you to savour the superior service and warmth of our contemporary dental practice. Our devoted dentists toil continuously to meet your unique requirements, cultivating a deep connection with you while prioritising your comfort and fulfilment.

Dental Implants

Incomparable Dental Implants, Assured to Restore Your Smile

We extend affordable dental implant services in Melbourne, customised as a steadfast resolution for gaps left by missing teeth. Our respected team employs superior-quality titanium implants to establish a robust base, meticulously integrating the screw into your jawbone.

Capitalising on state-of-the-art technology and methods, our skilled team manages the complete dental implant treatment. We present a diverse assortment of tooth implant choices for your consideration. Once securely placed, a prosthetic tooth is attached to the implant, seamlessly occupying the void and resembling natural teeth.

For reliable and effective dental implant solutions, rely on our cadre of seasoned dentists.


Visualise the resplendent allure of your smile following the successful execution of your dental implant surgery.

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Dental Implant
Dental Implant


The patient’s journey commenced with a comprehensive inspection, succeeded by a bespoke plan for a zygomatic dental implant procedure. This approach is particularly useful for those with severe maxillary bone loss, rendering conventional implant methods impractical.

In our Melbourne clinic, the zygomatic dental implants procedure was executed by placing the implant in the patient’s cheekbone (zygoma) rather than the jawbone. The implants provided a robust foundation for the artificial tooth, allowing the patient’s smile to be revitalised. This technique remarkably uplifted the patient’s dental well-being and overall self-esteem.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Before and after Images
Before and after Images


The patient’s treatment was initiated with an in-depth examination, followed by a tailored strategy for subperiosteal dental implant treatment. This method is well-suited for patients who lack enough healthy jawbones and cannot or do not want to undergo a bone augmentation procedure.

The process of getting dental implants in Melbourne involved placing a custom-made frame onto the jawbone, just below the gum tissue. As the gums healed, the frame became secured to the jawbone, and dental implants were attached to this frame. The end result was a significantly improved oral function and a natural-looking tooth, boosting the patient’s confidence tremendously.

Mini Dental Implants

Dental Implant
Dental Implant


The patient’s path to restoration started with a detailed analysis, leading to a unique plan for mini dental implant surgery. This alternative is typically considered for patients with smaller teeth or tight spaces that can’t accommodate standard-sized implants.

The dental implants procedure at our Melbourne clinic involved the insertion of smaller and shorter implants into the jaw bone. Despite their size, these implants were sufficient to securely anchor a natural tooth, providing the patient with a revitalised smile. This treatment dramatically improved the patient’s oral health and boosted their self-assuredness.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Number and Type of Implants

One of the main factors determining the dental implants cost is the number of teeth you need to replace and the type of implant you choose. A single dental implant is obviously less expensive than a full mouth reconstruction. Similarly, there are different types of implants, such as standard, mini, or zygomatic implants, and their cost can differ based on their complexity.

Bone Density

Another key aspect is your jaw’s bone density. If you have a low bone density or quality, you might require a bone graft or a sinus lift to provide a solid base for the implant. These supplementary procedures will add to the overall cost.

Geographic Location

Geographic location can significantly impact the cost of dental implants. For instance, in large metropolitan areas, where the cost of living and overheads are generally higher, you may pay more for dental implant treatments than in smaller towns or rural areas.

Dental Professionals’ Experience and Reputation

The experience, skills, and reputation of the dental professionals involved in your treatment also influence the cost. More experienced professionals or those with a high reputation might charge more for their services. While it can be tempting to choose more affordable options, it’s essential to consider the quality of care and long-term benefits.

Dental Materials and Technology

The materials used in dental implants and the technology employed during the surgery also contribute to the overall cost. High-quality materials, such as titanium or ceramic implants, and cutting-edge technology, such as 3D imaging or guided surgery systems, although they provide better outcomes, may add to the cost.

While it might seem that dental implants are expensive, it is worth considering their long-term benefits. Teeth implants are made to last a lifetime, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run. When compared to other tooth replacement options like dental bridges or dentures that need replacement or adjustment over time, the one-time cost of dental implants might turn out to be more economical.

However, if the upfront cost is a concern, several dental practices offer payment plans and financing options to make the treatment more affordable. Some insurance plans also cover part of the cost of dental implants. You can consult with your dentist and your insurance provider to understand the available options better.

While the cost of dental implants may initially seem steep, it is an investment in your oral health and overall quality of life. By understanding the factors contributing to dental implant costs, you can make a more informed decision about your treatment. It’s crucial to discuss these factors and potential costs with your dentist before proceeding with the treatment. This way, you can ensure that you receive the right treatment for your specific needs while understanding the costs involved.

Taking care of your diet is paramount following dental implant surgery, as the food you eat can either aid in recovery or exacerbate discomfort. Choosing soft, nutrient-rich meals can help to speed up the healing process, reduce swelling, and maintain your strength. Here are five nutritious meals you can enjoy after your dental implant procedure:

1. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are an excellent choice for a meal after your dental implant surgery. Eggs provide a protein-rich diet that promotes healing, and their simple preparation and soft texture make them gentle on your surgical site. Consider adding some cheese for extra protein and flavour. Remember to let the meal cool down before eating to avoid irritating the surgical area.

2. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is a versatile food item that can be eaten alone or combined with a variety of soft fruits like bananas or peaches. It is high in protein, probiotics, and calcium, which can help with healing and overall gut health. It’s also cold, which can help to soothe any discomfort or swelling in your mouth.

3. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are soft, easy to eat, and comforting – the perfect post-surgery food. In addition to being a delicious option, potatoes offer a good dose of vitamin C and potassium. Enhance their nutritional value and flavour by adding gravy or melted cheese to your meal.

4. Avocado

Avocados are a superfood, full of essential vitamins and healthy fats. You can make a creamy avocado smoothie or mash it up to make guacamole. Another option is spreading mashed avocado on a piece of soft bread.

5. Soup

Soup is another excellent option after dental implant surgery. Whether it’s a broth or a pureed vegetable soup, it is a good way to get an array of vitamins and minerals. Opt for a soup that isn’t too hot to avoid causing discomfort to your surgical area.

Remember, while it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet post-surgery, it’s equally important to avoid certain foods. Hard, crunchy, and sticky foods can potentially damage the surgical site. Also, it’s essential to stay hydrated, but avoid using straws as the suction could disrupt the healing process. Always consult your dentist for specific dietary recommendations following your dental implant procedure. By carefully considering your post-operative diet, you can pave the way for a smooth and swift recovery.

Several factors need to be taken into consideration before proceeding with the treatment.

Systemic Health

An individual in good overall health is generally a good candidate for dental implants. Certain systemic health conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or conditions that affect the body’s ability to heal may impact the success of dental implants. It’s also important to note that smokers or heavy drinkers may face complications, as these habits can hinder the healing process and potentially lead to implant failure.

Oral Health

Good oral health is crucial when considering dental implants. Conditions such as untreated periodontal disease can complicate the implant process and decrease the chances of success. Similarly, adequate oral hygiene is necessary to maintain the implant and surrounding tissues in good health after the procedure.

Sufficient Bone Density

Having sufficient bone density in the jaw is key for dental implant success. The implant needs to fuse with the bone (a process called osseointegration) to provide a secure foundation for the artificial tooth.

Healthy Gum Tissue

Healthy gums are as crucial as healthy bones for dental implant success. Gum disease can lead to bone loss and other problems that may render implants less effective. Candidates with healthy gums are more likely to have successful dental implant treatment.

Willingness to Maintain Oral Health

Dental implants require a commitment to maintain good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Candidates must be willing to invest the necessary time and effort to ensure the long-term success of their implants.

Patient’s Expectations

The patient’s expectations should be realistic. Dental implants offer a natural feel, but the process can be time-consuming, especially if bone grafting is needed. The candidate should understand the process, the timeline, and the potential risks involved.

The aforementioned factors contribute to the successful integration and longevity of dental implants. It’s crucial to have a detailed discussion with your dentist, who will assess these factors and determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for dental implants. Understanding these characteristics can help you make an informed decision about your dental health.


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